Friday, January 21, 2011

Understanding football - Basic rules

Football has been a pastime for over 100 years of American. NFL (National Football League) is the main source of soccer in the U.S. and has since been merged with the AFL (American Football League) in 1966. The popularity is growing every year, and before the new one can begin to enjoy this sport, they must understand the basic rules and how you play the game.

Goal of the game

There are two teams with each team to one end of the field to protect its opponents. This area is the "zone" and is, if a team get to the ball when they tried in possession. There are 11 players from each team on the field at once, and they are in "crime" or separate "defense".

If a team is on offense, they get 4 trial (also called "low") to try to get the ball 10 yards at a time. If successful, the minimum reset to 1, and try to move another 10 meters until you reach the end zone. If the defense is able to move 10 yards after four more trials, then your computer will now have the option on offense.

Crime is allowed to throw or try to run the ball to get into the end zone and is a task for the defense of the player with the ball on the ground tackle to stop the action.


Similar to the biggest sporting events of the end of the game for a team more points than other teams, but in football there are many ways to make the point that to collect the final results show. Here is a description of each:

Touchdown (6 points) - this happens when a player is on a team in a position in the end zone for his opponents with the ball cross.

Field Goal (3 points) - If a team can not get into the end zone, but close enough to the ball placed between two poles in the back of the end zone kick, you can try.

Extra points (1 point) - after a touchdown, the scoring team try to position the ball between the uprights of the opponent's goal to a point on his score to add kick.

2-point conversion (2 points) - After a touchdown chooses to try the most successful team to get the ball into the end zone again, instead of kicking the extra points. If successful, two points.

Security (2 points) - When an offensive player taken in his own end zone of defense from other teams in attack, so that the opposing team awarded two points and then given the ball.

Game Time

The game lasts 60 minutes and is divided into 2 halves of 30 minutes. Each half is divided in two quarters each 15 minutes. Each team gets three timeouts, by stopping the clock in motion and give their players a break.

If a team does not use all his timeouts in the first half, have not been transferred to the second half. If the score is tied at the end of the game, so there will be a grace period of 15 minutes. The first team to score and won in overtime. If no results during that time, the game is called a draw.

There are many details that the game of football, but the basic rules of, for, are beginning to enjoy and understand the game. All you have to do now is choose a favorite team and cheer them!


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